
Akkorde nutzen - Name, Klang, Verwendung, passende Skalen

Exercises (Übungen)

  1. 3-notes-per-string scales in C (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  2. Arpeggio Etude in Am No. 2 (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  3. Arpeggio Etude in Am No. 3 (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  4. Arpeggio Etude in C (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  5. Arpeggio Etude in G (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  6. Arpeggios Etude with small steps in C (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  7. Arpeggios 2 notes-per-string in C (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  8. basic guitar chords vs. basic piano chords (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  9. circle of fifth counter-clockwise (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  10. Major - sus2 - #5sus2 - #5sus4 (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  11. Modal Interchange Arpeggios in C (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  12. Powerchords (P1+P5) (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  13. secondary dominants and diminished chords (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  14. Seventh Chords Arpeggio Etude in C for Guitar (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  15. String Skipping Scale Etude in C (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  16. suspended chords (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  17. vi-IV-V-I Arpeggios (Exercise) I Max Wegener
  18. vi-IV-V-I Fingerstyle (Exercise) I Max Wegener

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  1. arpeggios - 2 notes-per-string in C
  2. arpeggios - modal interchange chords in C
  3. arpeggios - modulation with diminished chords by halfsteps
  4. arpeggios - ninth chords in C
  5. arpeggios - non-barré-chords in Am
  6. arpeggios - on 3-strings with all chords in Am
  7. arpeggios - on 5 strings with non-barré-chords in C
  8. arpeggios - pop-chord-progression fingerstyle
  9. arpeggios - pop-chord-progression
  10. arpeggios - seventh chords in C
  11. arpeggios - sevents chords on 3-strings in Am
  12. arpeggios - string skipping in G
  13. arpeggios - sus chords with #5 in DAECG
  14. arpeggios - tapping on 2 strings in E
  15. arpeggios - tapping with pull-offs on the E-string in E
  16. arpeggios - with 6-string-barré-chords in Am
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  1. chords - open chords vs. piano chords in C
  2. chords - power chords resp. fifth chords in EAD
  3. chords - sevents chords along the circle of fifth
  4. chords - suspended chords - CDEFGAB
  5. chords - triads over open strings in DAE
  6. chords - with and without open strings in EAD
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  1. scales - 3-notes-per-string in C
  2. scales - pentatonic pattern in Am
  3. scales - string skipping in C

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